Villain's Lament Live at Connolly's Klub

We played a show last weekend in Times Square to a bunch of rowdy Taekwon-Do buddies and other friends. Lauren and I had run over from a TKD demo that we'd performed in, so it was something of a double header. It was a blast. Here are a handful of clips from the show.

Sunshine Suicide, a reprisal of one of the catchier Voice of a Secret tunes:

Villain's Lament, our preponomously titled piece of thrash pop (the song starts at 0:53, after Lauren gets the crowd going):

Venice Is Going Down (it's a song, not a porno):

The Prettiest Card In the Deck, my Thrash Punk ode to dependency, codependency and bad river cards:

Dig, our first effort at a haunting dirge:

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